Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Confetti Girl

             Confetti Girl, by Diana Lopez is about a teenage girl name Lina. She live with her dad who love to read. In fact, he reads so much Lina is stuck with no T.V. Lina's best friend is Vanessa. A few years a go Vanessa's dad  got up and left her. Now she lives with her mom. She still gets to she here dad just not very often. The two girls cope with playing volley ball, doing homework together, and talking about cute boys. Like any teenage girl book they both have a crush. Lina tries to be a very independent person. She hates having her dad getting in the middle if her business. You get to follow a typical teenage girl life with all the ups and downs, lefts and rights. The best part about the book is the title. Vanessa's mom loves to make casscarones. Casscarones are confetti find eggs that you crack on your friends and family's heads. If you want to find out how it all rolls out read Confetti Girl, by Diana Lopez.

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